Hip Arthritis/Pain – 5 exercises to help

Hip Arthritis/Pain – 5 exercises to help

Due to the strains on the NHS we have been really busy helping lots of people with back, neck, knee, hip and shoulder pains. We have been treating a lot of people with hip athritis, some have osteoarthritis (OA) and are not suitable for a hip replacement, others have...
Can physio help with osteoarthritis of the knee?

Can physio help with osteoarthritis of the knee?

What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (osteo- bone, arthr –  joint, itis – inflammation) is a problem which affects the lining of your joints. In a healthy joint the ends of each bone are covered in a smooth lining called cartilage. This...
Are your joints feeling a bit creaky this Halloween?

Are your joints feeling a bit creaky this Halloween?

As you get older you may feel it is normal to put up with niggles, aches and pains. It’s not, we can help you! Many people we see at our Stansted Park and Rowlands Castle private physiotherapy clinics have been told they have arthritis and there is nothing that...
Living with arthritis? Physiotherapy can help.

Living with arthritis? Physiotherapy can help.

Arthritis In our Physio-logical clinics in Havant and Rowlands Castle we see a lot of patients with arthritis. We treat people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lumbar or cervical spondylosis and ankylosing spondylitis. What is osteoarthritis? Synovial joint...