What Causes Headaches in the Back of the Head and Neck? A cervicogenic headache is a secondary headache caused by a problem with your neck/mid back joints and muscle tension. The good news is that by fixing your neck/mid back problem, your neck headache or...
Physio-logical will be attending the Rowlands Castle annual Village Fair on The Green on Saturday 6thJuly 2019 from 11am-5pm https://www.rowlandscastlevillagefair.org.uk/ It is a great family day out for those who haven’t been before. A few things going on include:...
It’s now even easier to book your appointments with Physio-logical! Our online booking facility has just got easier! You can use this online service 24/7 to book appointments for: Physiotherapy Sports Therapy Sports Massage Acupuncture It’s much more user...
It might be your Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ)! The sacroiliac joint transmits load from your legs to your lower back via your bony pelvis where ideally most of the force is absorbed. During horse riding the movement of your horse can cause high forces at your sacroiliac...