Exercises for Pain at the front of my Knee Pain This it the first blog in our Knee Pain Blog Series. We will be sharing lots of hints/tips and self help exercises for those suffering with knee pain every week. Alot of our knee pain patients have been told “it is...
Physiotherapist from Physio-logical takes part in the Great South Run Blog Image from The News – The Simplyhealth Great South Run 2018 Southsea I am pleased to announce that I completed the Great South Run (GSR) on Sunday, my time was 1 hour 31 minutes which was...
What is plantarfaciitis? Plantarfasciitis is the third most common injury in runners and approximately 10% of people have plantarfasciitis at some point during their lifetime. It is a pain in the heel and underside of the foot. The plantarfascia itself is a tough band...
Strengthening Exercises for Lower Back Pain To mark the end of our back pain series today we will give you some exercises to help strengthen and stabilise if you have sacro-iliac joint dysfunction (pelvis/hips out of alignment) or lower back pain. Core stability and...
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/physio-logical I thought I would share with you my journey so far. As you may be aware Physio-logical have decided to support the Rowans Hospice, this is a charity very close to our hearts. At the beginning of this year I sadly...