Running Blog Series
So to kick off 2019 we thought it would be good to share with you a series of blogs about common running injuries and what types of exercises you can do for those specific injuries.
January is a busy time of year with people taking up new activities, running is a popular one. Also, for regular runners it is a time of year you may start to set some running goals which may be gradually increasing your mileage to train for a marathon or half marathon. Or it may be you are working on increasing strength to help improve performance.
As you may have seen we have shared a video below on social media introducing our blogs and asked you to comment if you have any specific conditions you want us to cover. So far we have had a few people commenting so thank you for that. There is still time to comment for other topics too. If you are not on social media and want us to cover a specific topic then please feel free to email us on with your requests.
Here is the list of blogs we will be covering based on your requests:
Week 1 – ITBS – Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Week 2 – Plantarfaciitis
Week 3 – Strengthening exercises for runners
Week 4 – Pelvis alignment issues that affect runners
We will write a new blog each week on our website, this will then be shared on our social media sites so please feel free to like, comment and follow us on social media, please feel free to tag/share our blogs with your running friends too.