Covid Secure Clinic – now offering face to face appointments

May 23, 2020

8th June Face to Face Appointments will be available.

Here at Physio-logical our patient’s health and wellbeing has always been our first priority. On 24th March, due to the guidance and information from the government we felt that the situation with COVID-19 made it impossible to offer face-to-face treatments without risking your safety.

That said, it was important to us that we still provided care where needed so we set up and introduced our physiotherapy online consultation service. It’s been a great success and we’re so happy that we have been able to continue helping you with your rehabilitation and injury prevention during this period. Also, our Physio-logical Community Facebook group has been a great place for us to continue to share self help exercises, tips and advice too.

In the background we have been working hard to ensure we stay up-to-date with the latest information and guidance, as well as carrying out risk assessments to determine what needs to be done to ensure we can re-open our doors safely protecting everyone, you, the families you go home to and our staff.

I’m pleased to say all our therapists will be in a position to offer face-to-face appointments from Monday 8th June from our Horndean Clinic

With that in mind, there are a number of precautionary measures that we will be introducing to ensure there is minimal risk to you as patients and our staff. All measures are in line with the guidance and regulations specified by our governing body.

Triage Assessments

In accordance with the rules provided by our Governing body we are unable to admit patients for face-to-face treatment until we have conducted a triage assessment via remote means. It’s essential that we only admit patients into our clinics where online treatment will not be sufficient and the practitioner can justify that the benefits of seeing a patient face-to-face are greater than the risks of infection transmission (CSP).

Keeping you safe in our Clinics


  • All patients will be asked to complete a COVID-19 screening survey prior to treatment.
  • This must be completed prior to treatment if you are attending for face-to-face appointments.
  • We may ask to take your temperature before entering our clinics as part of our screening.

Waiting Area:

  • You will be asked to wait in the car and your therapist will collect you.
  • You will be asked some screening questions prior to entering the clinic.
  • We have a separate side entrance at our Horndean clinic so we will be using that entrance to ensure you do not come into contact with any other patients using the surgery.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment):

  • All Physio-logical staff will be wearing full PPE as advised by the latest government guidance.
  • We will ask all of our patients to wear their own face covering. If you don’t have one we can provide one at a cost of £2, which will be added to your treatment cost.


  • The clinic rooms will be cleaned thoroughly in between every patient, and additional time has been scheduled to allow for this.

Hand Hygiene

  • Please use hand sanitiser when you enter the clinic.
  • Please do not wear your own gloves into the clinic.
  • Prior to and after any ‘hands on’ interaction we will ensure that we wash our hands in according with COVID Secure guidelines.


  • We will be accepting card payments only, preferably using contactless.
  • The card machine will be wiped down in between appointments.

As I mentioned, a Risk Assessment which has helped us identify the measures listed above has been carried out and will be reviewed on a regular basis based on the latest information from the UK Government. Some measures may seem extreme but we’re committed to providing a safe environment in which you can receive the much needed care at this time.

Even with the protective measures, we realise that some of you may still feel uncomfortable attending our clinics or are in the high risk groups so we will continue to offer online physiotherapy consultations.

Here is the professional guidance we are following from The Chartered Society of physiotherapists to help us to determine whether to offer face to face appointments.

We would like to finish by thanking you, the Physio-logical community, for all your continued support during this period – from embracing the video consultation service, to joining in with the discussions within our social media settings. We want you to know that we value you as patients but are also grateful because you’ve made us feel valued as health practitioners.

We will continue offer our face-to-face appointments all the time we feel it can be done safely.

Your health is our priority.

Many thanks

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