Why does my calf always feel tight?

Dec 22, 2017

calf pain, sports massage havant, calf pain, calf strain, running injury, sports massage basingstoke, physio

Calf Tightness

Over the last month this question has been asked numerous times so today we will share with you some tips and advice about how to manage and reduce calf tightness. Both runners, ramblers, people who have had knee replacements or knee surgery and also tennis players seem to complain about calf tightness.

Most people with this problem complain of calf tightness when they have run or walked a little bit more than they normally do.

Why does my calf get tight?

A lot of recent research suggests that the calf muscle gets tight due to muscle weakness and overload.

So what to do?

  1. Reduce the load – so have a rest day or two from running or reduce your walking or running distance so you stop short of pain/tightness
  2. Strengthen the muscle
  3. Have a sports massage

Here is a testimonial from one of our clients who had calf tightness and pain:

“Well, what can I say, I came to Physio-logical with a painful calf injury and calf tightness way too close to the challenge I had set myself that being the Brighton marathon.

Your positivity never faltered and you provided me with immediate treatment and advice in and out of hours. You worked hard to maximise my chances of running the distance and I listened to everything you told me to do, every exercise at all the times you advised and I made it to the start line.

I made it round every mile albeit with a little pain relief, without everything you did, it would sure have been a different story. Thank you so much for helping me to achieve the hardest but most satisfying thing I have ever done in my life.” Mr. C

Hands on physiotherapy treatments including; sports massage, mobilisation, balance (proprioceptive) re-education, combined with strengthening exercises is an effective treatment for calf tightness and pain.

Please be aware of your body and take advice from your GP before exercising or send an email to ( for advice and guidance.

All of these exercises should be pain free.

Gastrocnemius Strengthening (Calf Muscle)

  • Stand on one leg, with your leg straight, push up onto your toes and then back down          again
  • Repeat until fatigue
  • Repeat once a day
  • To progress do this exercise on the edge of a step
  • Once you can complete 25 repetitions with good control then add some load (either rucksack with some weights in or at the gym hold some weight in your hands)



Soleus Strengthening (Calf Muscle)

  • Stand on one leg, with your knee bent, push up onto your toes, keeping your knee bent and then back down again
  • Repeat until fatigue
  • Repeat once a day
  • To progress do this exercise on the edge of a step
  • Once you can complete 25 repetitions then add some load (either rucksack with some weights in or at the gym hold some weight in your hands)



How can a sports massage help?

Using a variety of techniques including soft tissue release and muscle energy technique the treatments can help ease muscular aches and improve performance.

If you are suffering from ongoing calf tightness then please get in contact with us via, 07835 712306 or book online as we can help you to get rid of that ongoing calf tightness.


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