Physiotherapy is like an MOT for your body

Jun 25, 2024

82 year old patient with Natalie March clinical director outside Physio-logical building

Do you want to be able to live a long active and healthy life like Myles, an 82 year old from Rowlands Castle? Physiotherapy is the answer…

This is Myles, he has been attending Physio-logical since 2021. He wanted to keep on top of his minor aches and pains by having regular physiotherapy treatment.

Myles attended Physio-logical initially for neck and shoulder pain and stiffness, this was eased with hands on treatments including joint mobilisations, massage, advice. He also was also taught 2 bespoke exercise to do for each area which have been progressed over the years.

He has had back pain and stiffness for years. He has seen a number of different physiotherapists over the years but now frequently attends Physio-logical due to having therapists who take the time to listen to him and will work on any aches, pains or areas of stiffness that need addressing.


“We all need to look after our bodies, we mot our cars but we should take ownership and look after our most important thing which is our bodies. I have found having regular preventative physiotherapy has helped me to continue to live an active and fulfilled life”


At Physio-logical we love to work with people like Myles who want to make an ongoing commitment to improving their lives. Whether that be able to stay active to play with your grandchildren or to be able to continue to walk your dog. We love to help people so they can continue to live a full active life with fewer niggles, aches and pains.


If you want to make an ongoing difference to how you feel so you can live a fulfilling and active life, then we would love to support you on your journey.


You can book online, call 023 9435 0270 or email

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