On Your Feet Britain 2018

Apr 27, 2018

On Your Feet Day

Today is ‘On Your Feet Day’. It is a day to #SitLess and #MoveMore

Here are some current stats (CSP):

  • Sickness absence from work currently costs the UK £14.3 billion
  • 40% of all UK sickness absence is due to work-related MSDs (Musculo-skeletal disorders such as lower back pain)
  • Working days lost due to work-related MSDs = 9.5 million
  • Working days lost due to work-related stress = 9.9 million

What are you doing to reduce the amount of time you sit at your desk today #OnYourFeet day? Here are a few ideas:

  • If you work on Chineham Park, Basingstoke then why not join in the Chineham Park health walk starting at Central 40, Lime Tree Way at 12:15 on Friday with North Hampshire Clinical Commission Group (NHCCG) based on the Park –
  • Stand up when you answer the phone
  • Use the stairs instead of the lift
  • Walk to you colleagues desk instead of emailing or calling them
  • Have a standing up or walking meeting
  • Take a break from your computer every 30 minutes

Why is this so important?

Excessive sitting has been link with being overweight and obese, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and early death in recent studies (NHS).

It is advised that we exercise regularly at least 150 minutes a week (NHS)

How can early access to physiotherapy help?

Cost saving – an eg London Fire Brigade staff with chronic back pain followed a physio programme, there was a 85% reduction in time off work and £27 return on every £1 spent (CSP)

Improved levels of staff satisfaction.

Effective treatment of lower back pain and other MSD’s

Prevention of work related aches and pains

Physio-logical will be providing a FREE buffet lunch Talk and about physiotherapy for office workers on Thursday 10th May, 12-1pm at Central 40, Chineham Park, Basingstoke #SitLess and #MoveMore

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