
Physiotherapist Package


(saving £30)

Clinical Specialist Package


(saving £45)

Falls are a major public health burden with one in four people aged 65 years or older experiencing a fall each year (National Institute on Ageing). As we get older, our risk of falling increases.

Furthermore, our risk of sarcopenia (reduced muscle mass, strength and function) and osteoporosis (decreased bone strength and density) increases. Resultantly, we are at a greater risk of fracture and serious injury following a fall. However, by implementing appropriate strengthening and balance based exercises into your routine, we can significantly reduce the risk of a fall and serious injury occurring.

The Falls Prevention Programme at Physio-logical involves a holistic assessment which looks at an individuals mobility, joint range of motion, muscle strength, functional ability and balance. A thorough assessment of these areas is completed and a bespoke exercise plan is created.

We aim to help educate you on the best exercises and lifestyle choices to reduce your risk of falling and maintain a physically active lifestyle into your senior years.

What are the Benefits?

Continuity of Care
We provide ongoing support, education, and resources to help you maintain progress and prevent recurrence, so you can continue to reduce the risk of falling and maintain a physically active lifestyle into your senior years.

Holistic Perspective
We take a holistic approach to your care, not only addressing the symptoms but also the underlying factors contributing to your condition.

Personalised Care
We take the time to conduct thorough assessments looking at your mobility, joint range of motion, muscle strength and balance and develop bespoke treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, goals, and lifestyle.

Your Programme includes:

45-minute Assessment
with one of our experienced Physiotherapists

Six 30-minute follow up sessions

Progressive bespoke exercise programme

Manual therapy

Discount on special package prices

Falls Prevention Physiotherapy Prices


Physiotherapist Package
(saving £30)


Clinical Specialist Package
(saving £45)

How do I book an appointment?

To book your first appointment with us:

Book Online

You can book online here

Call Us

Give us a call on 07835712306 / 02394-350270. Our phone lines are open from 8am-5pm weekdays.

Email Us

Email us at

We will be able to find a convenient time for you to come in and see us at our clinic in Stansted Park, Rowlands Castle. Our clinic is located close to Hayling Island, Emsworth, Waterlooville, Havant, and Chichester.

We want you to keep taking part in the sports and activities you love doing.