Covid Guidelines

Patient Procedure Guidelines for Clinic Appointments during Covid-19

Guidelines and requirements for patients visiting the Physio-logical Clinic during the coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic.

These procedures are designed to keep you and your physio-logical practitioner safe and prevent cross contamination/infection between patients.

Please can we remind you that if you feel unwell or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, please advise us as soon as possible and DO NOT COME TO THE CLINIC FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT.

We have increased the frequency of cleaning within the Clinic. In between each patient, your Practitioner will wipe clean the couch, surfaces, door handles etc with disinfectant products.

Please can we ask you to complete the pre-screening Covid Symptom survey before you attend your first Initial Appointment.


  1. In order to maintain the social distancing rules, set out by the UK government, please attend your appointment alone (unless a chaperone is required), please come as close to the appointment time as possible.
  2. Upon arrival at the Stansted Park Clinic, please wait outside or in reception; for the Rowlands Castle Clinic, please wait in the waiting area; Your Practitioner will come and collect you; your temperature will also be taken at this point before entering the treatment room.
  3. Your Practitioner will escort you to the treatment room. You will be invited to use the hand sanitiser before you enter the treatment room.
  4. Please wear your own face covering to your appointment and continue to wear this during your treatment, for your safety and the safety of our Practitioners. These can be provided at the clinic at a cost of £2.
  5. Your Practitioner will be wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) – this will include disposable facemasks, disposable aprons and maybe gloves. Any pillows that are used during the treatment will be covered with a fully wipeable cover and cleaned thoroughly after patients.
  6. After your treatment, you will be advised by your Practitioner if a follow-up appointment is necessary. Any follow up appointments are to be booked by your practitioner whilst you are still in the treatment room.
  7. Payments for treatments can be made via contactless card/device at the clinic or can be made over the phone prior to your treatment.

All of these guidelines and procedures have been implemented for your safety and that of our Practitioners; please adhere to them as much as possible and always follow the social distancing guidelines.

By attending the appointment at the Physio-logical Clinic, you are agreeing to adhere to the above procedures and guidelines.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Physio-logical Team