What can I do after a knee replacement?
A question we are often asked is what can I do and when shall I start physiotherapy after having knee replacement surgery?
Physiotherapy can help strengthen the muscles before knee replacement surgery, and after to regain mobility, range of motion and strength, returning you back to an active life.
Here is how Physio-logical helped a patient following knee replacement surgery and their rehabilitation journey.
Mrs G first came to Physio logical 1 week following her surgery. Following a 3-night stay after the operation Mrs G left hospital and was given crutches to help with walking.
On assessment it was apparent there was limited both active and passive knee flexion.
Active knee flexion on assessment was 75 degrees, however this is a very good starting point following 1 week after surgery.
The main focus of treatment was to achieve as much active knee flexion range of movement with both hands on treatment and targeted exercises.
As each week passed in her treatment there was gradual improvement in her active knee flexion, increasing 1-2 degrees each week.
As well as increased range of movement Mrs G was becoming more comfortable doing the exercises. As range of movement improved progressive exercises were applied focusing on muscular strength.
It is important to work with your Therapist through a progressive rehabilitation programme to improve mobility and muscular strength following surgery.
Muscle weakness is common following knee replacement surgery this is due to both deficits of voluntary muscle activation and atrophy.
Mrs G is now continuing to her active knee flexion range of movement and continuing progressive rehabilitation focusing on muscular strength. Alongside this she is now back doing her normal day to day activities such as gardening and walking.
If you have had a knee replacement or are having one in the future here are some examples of exercises your Therapist may include in your rehabilitation programme:
Active Knee Flexion in Long Sitting
- Start in a seated position on the floor or bed with you legs stretched out
- Bend your injured knee bringing your foot as close to your bottom
- Hold that position for 3 seconds and then return to the starting position
- Repeat 10 times, twice a day
Quad Activation in Long Sitting
- Start in a seated position with your legs out straight
- Place a rolled up towel under your affected knee
- Keep your toes pointing upward and extend your knee pushing the back of your knee into the towel
- As you do this tighten your thigh muscle, hold for 5 seconds and then release
- Repeat 10 times, twice a day
Squat With a Chair
- Begin by standing in front of a chair
- Slowly lower yourself down as if you are going to sit down in a chair
- Just before you are going to sit down slowly stand back up to the starting position
- Repeat 10 time, twice a day
If you have had a total knee replacement and need some guidance, Physio-logical can help you with pain symptoms and get you back doing the activities that you want to.
We sit down with every patient to discuss their goals, and what they want to be able to achieve. Then we provide a full assessment looking at movement, strength, balance, and if there are any areas of muscle tension/tightness.
Using hands-on physiotherapy treatment we will set you a personalised exercise plan that is tailored to your needs as you progress through your rehabilitation, getting you back on your feet doing the activities you love.
Contact us now by calling 023 9435 0270, email enquiries@physio-logical.net or book online.