The team at Physio-logical is celebrating the business reaching an impressive 16 years in business. Founder and clinical director Natalie March first started the business from her one-bedroom house in Basingstoke, seeing patients on a couch in her living room. She set...
What is plantarfaciitis? Plantarfasciitis is the third most common injury in runners and approximately 10% of people have plantarfasciitis at some point during their lifetime. It is a pain in the heel and underside of the foot. The plantarfascia itself is a tough band...
Top Statistics and Key Facts about Back Pain Back pain is reported by 80% of people at some time in their life Back pain rarely means damage Degenerative changes are a normal part of ageing What you do about it is more important than what caused your back pain Back...
I have got pain, we can help.. We will be offering some 15 min physio advice sessions for £5 with our experienced and fully qualified physiotherapist. Are you in a lot of pain or have stiffness? We can offer a mini assessment with advice too. Come and see us for some...