4 Basic Exercises for Knee Pain

Nov 29, 2019

Exercises for Pain at the front of the Knee.

If you have knee pain, especially pain or discomfort around your knee cap then these exercises are for you.

They are designed to improve movement, strengthen your muscles to support your knee joint and ease pain and discomfort too.

We see a lot of people in our clinics in Havant and Rowlands Castle, Hampshire who want to keep their muscles strong and ease their knee pain.


Please be aware of your body and take advice from your GP before exercising if you have any aches or pain, or send us an email ( for advice and guidance. All of these exercises should be pain free.

Alongside exercises we can offer hands on treatment to improve joint movement and release tight muscles. Hands on physiotherapy treatments including; sports massage, mobilisation, taping, balance (proprioceptive) re-education, combined with stretching and strengthening exercises is an effective treatment for knee pain.

If you are suffering from knee pain or any other aches or pains then please get in contact with us via or 07835 712306. You can also book an appointment online.

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